HOLY CRAP! As a comic book polygamist, I must also share this HUGE bit of AWESOME!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Avengers Film: a comic-kids dream come true!

Thanks to modern film and the world's ultimate desire for a happy ending (the desire for superheroes to fix our problems), the Avengers film is looking more and more FREAKING AWESOME!
Latest updates:
- Mark Ruffalo replaces Edward Norton as the "Bruce Banner aka The Hulk"
- Jeremy Renner is cast as "Clint Barton aka "Hawkeye"
Thoughts thus far:
On the new cast
I still think this movie is going to be off the hook. I'm actually praying that Hollywood doesn't fudge anything too drastic, namely costumes and character personalities. Mark Ruffalo should have been Hulk all-along, I think. His acting chops are better suited for an intellectual type than Norton's. Don't get me wrong, I think Edward Norton is a spectacular actor AND his Hulk feature was much better than Eric Bana's, but there is something about Ruffalo that I think will bring out the true inner torment of his human character, Bruce Banner. Jeremy Renner is just, well, perfect for this role. With his innate ability to portray anti-heros, good guys, and bad guys very effectively, he is going to rock the role of Hawkeye- one of the non-super heroes, who often renegades and has a rough history with the Avengers.
On the film overall:
Joss Whedon is a modern day sci-fi legend and his past work will definitely collide into a pot of gold that will leave the industry in awe. James Cameron is going to have to wait another 15 years to make something better than this film. One thing that worries me is the same thing that I am so excited for this film: the cast. Everyone has a lot on their shoulders; this has been something in the making for 50+ years! Granted the Avengers is much younger than that, fans of Captain America are wanting a fantastic portrayal (Chris Evans, I hope somehow you read this). I don't blame Chris Evans for the horrendous mess that the Fantastic Four movies were. In fact, I think his portrayl, though skewed slightly to keep up with the times, was the best part of the films. BUT Johnny Storm doesn't rival Captain America in the slightest, so he has a lot of people to impress with his First Avenger film- or the fan base for Avengers may dip slightly. I mean, the leader of the Avengers needs to be awesome and in control, and if he isn't, Houston is going to have more than just a problem.
Lastly, with the star power amassing for the film, I am a little cynical about the amount of screentime each player is going to get. Of course, the Avengers have the more proactive members that will have more to do with the actions of the faction (namely Cap and Fury), but those are only a couple of leading people, and with probably a collected salary wage for the film being well over 50million, it's going to be tough to fit everyone in with reasonable and plausible screentime.
I do have to admit, I have to catch up with some of Whedon's latest, but with the fan approval rating being at an all time high for a sci-fi/comic book adaptation director, I will trust my fellow fanboys(and girls) and entrust the Avengers to Mr. Whedon.
Here are some important links to check out the character bios of the current cast. Click on Thor and Captain America to go to their official sites (still in infancy) and sign up for updates!
Iron Man, played by Robert Downey, Jr.
Black Widow, played by Scarlett Johansson
Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth
Nick Fury, played by Samuel L. Jackson
Hawkeye, played by Jeremy Renner
The Hulk, played by Mark Ruffalo
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Beiber Fever: the Truth

I'm also going to say this: One reason that I, and I believe multitudes of others, don't like Justin Bieber- we're jealous.
When I was 16, I got the keys to a '97 Chevy Silverado handed to me-it was my Dad's truck. I could drive it, and I was the new master of upkeep for the vehicle, but for all intended purposes, it was my truck; Justin Beiber just turned 16 and has been seen driving around in 2010 Lamborghini Spyder. He's hanging with some of the most powerful figures in pop-culture and indeed, has them on speed-dial. When I was 16, I had my parent's cell-phone that I took when I went out to the movies, in case of emergencies.
Truth be told, I'm glad I don't have a 2010 Spyder Lamborghini, but when I was his age, I could have used the cash he wipes his butt with to buy a sweet CD player for my workouts (yeah, CD player).
I've been told to try and keep it short, so this is it my trial. I want to contain my ADD for this post. Well, that and I don't really have much else to say about Bieber Fever, except I can't wait until his novelty gives out and he becomes the Macaulay Culkin of pop-alt music.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Pressing News for XBOX Live account holders
AND for fans of Zack Snyder and his gorefest "300", there is something coming up that will change your Friday night- literally- it's THIS Friday, Friday July 23rd!!
Centurion, directed by Neil Marshall, goes like this (essentially because I don't feel like copy and pasting):
Beefed up and Ready to Rock Roman legion soldiers get ambushed on their way to wipe out some baddies (the Picts, led by ultra-baddie Gorlacon [yeah, i know right?!]). Nifty thing is, the ambushers ARE the Picts, led by ultra-baddie Gorlacon (aww yeahh!). So now, having a legendary army of 'undefeatable' soldiers get wiped out and a your commanding officer kidnapped by the baddies, whatcha gonna do? Well, since they didn't have cell-phones nor soup cans, there is no chance the Ghostbusters are going to help. Instead, the platoon has no choice but to take on the Picts and Gorlacon (his name is SO AWESOME!) while trying to reconnect with the rest of their army. Chaos, gore, and supreme awesome pursue the Centurions around every corner and every tree- and it's going to be sweet.
If my synopsis didn't do it for you, check out the real thing at couple of places, Yahoo!Movies, IMDb.com, or a slew of other movie sites (clicking on 'Centurion' up above takes you to the IMDb page).
'300' alum Michael Fassbender (the BA who, in the trailers, is soaring towards that monstrously tall Xerxes) serves as the ringleader of the Centurion and from the trailer-it's gonna be rad. Michael Fassbender has gotten a lot of good things coming his way, particularly if his role in the X-Men: First Class movie as Eric Lensherr (Magneto, ya'll!) goes as well as everyone hopes it does.
NOW onto the reason I'm pressing this forward frantically:
The movie comes out on August 27th in theatres, but BUT according to the Hulu Red Band Trailer, you can watch it on XBOX live, Playstation 3 (I believe), On Demand, Amazon, and Vudu. Since I have an XBOX 360 and Live, accordingly, I believe everyone might as well go out and get one and then watch it. If you don't want to spend the cash, look into the other methods, namely Amazon. To be honest, I haven't found any more information on the event outside the Hulu trailer, even on XBOX Live or Vudu (Vudu is a paying subscription service, which I believe, goes through your television). So I'll be checking my XBOX Live account this Friday, and I'll let people know how it goes!
Here are some trailers. Keep in mind, the Hulu Red Band requires a login, but it's OK because it's free!
- Hulu Red Band Trailer (most graphic)
- YouTube Trailer (less graphic)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Role Call

Ladies and Gentlemen, Kevin Bacon (pictured above) has been cast in X-Men: First Class.
With the continuation of the the X-Men series, I'm really hoping for a non-bust here; the X-Men are far too cool to be embarrassed at the box office again. I mean, at least Cyclops won't die in this one--hopefully. If they're intelligent, Cyclops will live up to his awesome expectations and kick some ass; speaking of kicking ass, Kick Ass's Aaron Johnson is, as you'll see from the list down-under, reprising his tights as Cyclops! Aaron Johnson is tearing up the entertainment scene with busting out some awesome TV gigs and taking the lead in Nowhere Boy, a film based off the true story of John Lennon and his early travels. With all of this chit-chat of Aaron Johnson, I might as well give a head's up as to the rest of the cast, as shown currently on IMDb.com. Other satellite sites have so far been noting essentially the same things, so I'm going with the familiar source:
- Alice Eve- "Emma Frost"
- James McAvoy- "Professor X"
- Amber Heard- "Mystique"
- Michael Fassbender- "Erik Lensherr/Magneto"
- Aaron Johnson- "Scott Summers/Cyclops"
- Nicholas Hoult- "Dr. Henry 'Hank' McCoy/Beast"
- Caleb Landry Jones- "Sean Cassidy/Banshee"
But back to it, Kevin Bacon has been cast as TBD, but cast nonetheless. McAvoy, Fassbender, and Johnson aside, this is the deal breaker. I have no idea how this is going to go. The guy rocked Stir of Echoes, Mystic River, and yes- Balto. And yes, I think he is a good actor, but obviously, outside of Tremors (and yes, they are making another one!) is action roles haven't been the greatest, that I have seen. Hollow Man was a bust, but honestly, I blame my crush on Elizabeth Shue for taking all the attention from the movie.
So here's my deal to you, 20th Century Fox, I'll see the movie because, BECAUSE of the good casting so far. The premise of the movie, taking the X Men back to when they were X Teens, doesn't sell me too much, but as Shia Labeouf commented on the horrendous Indiana Jones output, "... the actor's job is to make it come alive and make it work", in an interview with Los Angeles Times.
Boom. Done deal.
Another "About Damn Time" Moment

- The universe is just too MASSIVE for the human race to be the only sentient race and those who deny this are either extremely naiive or too religious (in-betweens included)
- We may not have substantial proof readily available to the public of extraterrestrials, but the word was invented for a reason- to slightly explain the unexplainable. You might believe the 'government invented it' or something, but that is my opinion.
- What about Kevin, Alan Godfrey, Herbert Schirmer, and countless others? They have stories! I also have stories of camping when I was younger and I know it happened because I was there!
- I think the idea of aliens is prettttty sweet.
- Except if they want to kill all of us.
I mean, seriously, how AWESOME would it be if there were tons of cantinas and bars in the world like that of Star Wars' Tatooine!?! Aliens and humans alike playing music, getting drunk, and lightsabering each others hands' off! IT'D BE RIDICULOUSLY RAD-TASTIC!
I bring this up because of the events in Zhejiang's provincial capital Hangzhou where a UFO was recently recorded swooping low in the airspace, enough for people to snatch some shots. Check it out here: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/viewvideo.php?id=A-h7DaJCqx4&tid=186045
I will agree with the author of The Buzz Log article, Mike Krumboltz, that "Truth be told, there's not much left to be said. Something weird happened. Nobody knows what it was. And if they do, they aren't saying. Check out the video (actually, a series of still photographs) below and judge for yourself."
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
FINALLY! The role Danny Trejo has been waiting for!
Danny Trejo: LA child thug. Lightweight Boxer Champion. BADASS extraordinaire.
He's been a vampire, an assassin, a bank robber and a biker with a soft-spot for a boy in a bubble (click the roles for a link to the movie page).
Lately he's been rocking roles with Robert Rodriguez, boosting his career and his awesomeness. Point in case, his new film Machete, he's a PISSED off vigilante that, as you'll see in the clip, enlists the help of a gun-toting Cheech Marin--who is a FACKIN PRIEST!! Yes!
The plot seems the same old Rodriguez scene. Some bad people kill a good-ish persons family, and then that good-ish guy gets pissed and becomes an EFFin' BA guy and goes crazy on the bad guys at all costs because he has nothing to lose. Literally, he's lost his family, exchanged his family heirlooms for weapons, and scraped off a tattoo to become less recognizable. But here is the question I pose to you: who the EFF cares?! It's Danny Trejo getting the lead role for something he's only been playing background characters for so long and been playing them well.
I don't know about you but there's one thing that's holding me from seeing the film right now: it doesn't come out until September.
Danny Trejo is 5'7" and his nickname is "The Mayor".
'Nuff Said.
Upsides to Insomnia
I've had a few nights of insomnia within the last couple of weeks and as I've been laying in bed, I decided that I am not just idly lie down and and waste my time. So I decided to pick up a show that my friend Sabrina gave me a heads up on.
Nip/Tuck to the rescue.
For those who haven't heard of it, the premise is two plastic surgeons in South Miami struggle with the true balance of happiness and morality, ethics and honesty--through their patients. What is most intriguing is the doctors seemingly live their lives as if they are not infallible, but more right than wrong. The main characters breakdown to this:
- The doctors [Sean McNamara-the pushover- & Christian Troy- the narcissistic predator]
- The familiy [Julia and Matt McNamara]
- The patients [mainly Kimber Henry and Sophia Lopez]
- The bad guys [namely Merriel the rival surgeon and...someone else, I can't remember yet]
And because I don't like summaries and I've never enjoyed writing those papers in school, I'm just going to say the points that I think make it worth while [CAUTION: Possible spoiler alert]
Spiritual infidelity: Chrits (spelled incorrectly on purpose)--this is rampant. I don't know if you can call Christian's sex addicted personality infidelity, but certainly his obsession with Sean's wife is; Sean's affair with one of his patients (not telling who); Julia's lust for her much younger classmate; and Matt's obsession with having threesomes with his ex-lesbian girlfriend AND her lover, well, they are. It's that sort of theme, plot, set-up that you DEMAND something, one way or the other. I can't help but want Christian and Julia to get it on and I can't help but want Sean to get busted HARDCORE (see, one way or the other).
Spiritual effed-up ness: Yes. Yes, and yes. I am trying not to swear, so I said that, but at the same time- yes it gets extremely messed up. It's not nearly as loopy as Lost, but it still gets crazy. There are guys coming out of the accent-closet (some guy fakes a British accent), there are plastic surgeons going after leaders of the Catholic church with scalpels, and you have plastic surgeons trading girlfriends for Lamborghini's. It sounds mundane and not as interesting as other shows, like Wipeout and Futurama, but it's helllllllla catchy because of how you think these people SHOULD have common sense, should have morals and ethics being who they are but NO, NO there are NO morals and less ethics than before. For instance: guy sexes girl, dumps girl, takes girl back, sexes girl again, trades girl for car, girl comes back to him with knife, turns mental and starts drawing over his body with lipstick pretending to play doctor--all while in the just about nude--and I can't make this up, I wouldn't make this up. I'll say this, though:
Dubbayou. Tee. Eff.
In any case, check it out. All I've mentioned has JUST happened in the first 9 episodes. As I "speak", I'm 1:40 seconds away from the end of episode 9. And to think, there are 4 more episodes in this season, with 5 more seasons after. Good lord, insomnia couldn't be better!
well, except some Call of Duty and Mountain Dew.
Hup! Consider the gaming...begun.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Be safe, yeah?
So, I am not a man to be deep and with malaise often, but this last Saturday, I was involved in a car accident. In fact, I caused it because I rear ended another car, which in-turn rear ended another vehicle; we were on the freeway. I wasn't doing anything wrong, in terms of texting or talking while driving, rather, I had simply done a head check to get over a lane and before I knew it, traffic had essentially stopped ahead of me. Luckily, I wasn't going full-tilt boogie (60mph) since I had just merged onto the freeway, but I was going hard enough to not stop in time.
What I'm getting at, is that people should pay attention and be safe. I, for obvious reasons, have changed how I drive to some degree (no texting whatsoever, quicker headchecks, etc) and pay more attention to the road than even before (I yell at those drivers who decide that using turn signals is for losers). It's insane how one accident, albeit a small one relative to what it could have been, could change how I view the open road. It just takes one eye opener to really do it.
SO, in order to set it in more so, I looked to my good friend YouTube for a video that set it in stone that things could have been worse (I was pretty shaken up, mostly for the others I affected because of it) and wanted to instill that final "oomf" of 'DON'T DO THIS AGAIN' and found a video that did it for me. Check it out-->CRAZY European Safe Driving Commercials.
Granted, I think the music is overused in sad videos and what have you, it does the trick here.
Be safe out there.
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