Thanks to modern film and the world's ultimate desire for a happy ending (the desire for superheroes to fix our problems), the Avengers film is looking more and more FREAKING AWESOME!
Latest updates:
- Mark Ruffalo replaces Edward Norton as the "Bruce Banner aka The Hulk"
- Jeremy Renner is cast as "Clint Barton aka "Hawkeye"
Thoughts thus far:
On the new cast
I still think this movie is going to be off the hook. I'm actually praying that Hollywood doesn't fudge anything too drastic, namely costumes and character personalities. Mark Ruffalo should have been Hulk all-along, I think. His acting chops are better suited for an intellectual type than Norton's. Don't get me wrong, I think Edward Norton is a spectacular actor AND his Hulk feature was much better than Eric Bana's, but there is something about Ruffalo that I think will bring out the true inner torment of his human character, Bruce Banner. Jeremy Renner is just, well, perfect for this role. With his innate ability to portray anti-heros, good guys, and bad guys very effectively, he is going to rock the role of Hawkeye- one of the non-super heroes, who often renegades and has a rough history with the Avengers.
On the film overall:
Joss Whedon is a modern day sci-fi legend and his past work will definitely collide into a pot of gold that will leave the industry in awe. James Cameron is going to have to wait another 15 years to make something better than this film. One thing that worries me is the same thing that I am so excited for this film: the cast. Everyone has a lot on their shoulders; this has been something in the making for 50+ years! Granted the Avengers is much younger than that, fans of Captain America are wanting a fantastic portrayal (Chris Evans, I hope somehow you read this). I don't blame Chris Evans for the horrendous mess that the Fantastic Four movies were. In fact, I think his portrayl, though skewed slightly to keep up with the times, was the best part of the films. BUT Johnny Storm doesn't rival Captain America in the slightest, so he has a lot of people to impress with his First Avenger film- or the fan base for Avengers may dip slightly. I mean, the leader of the Avengers needs to be awesome and in control, and if he isn't, Houston is going to have more than just a problem.
Lastly, with the star power amassing for the film, I am a little cynical about the amount of screentime each player is going to get. Of course, the Avengers have the more proactive members that will have more to do with the actions of the faction (namely Cap and Fury), but those are only a couple of leading people, and with probably a collected salary wage for the film being well over 50million, it's going to be tough to fit everyone in with reasonable and plausible screentime.
I do have to admit, I have to catch up with some of Whedon's latest, but with the fan approval rating being at an all time high for a sci-fi/comic book adaptation director, I will trust my fellow fanboys(and girls) and entrust the Avengers to Mr. Whedon.
Here are some important links to check out the character bios of the current cast. Click on Thor and Captain America to go to their official sites (still in infancy) and sign up for updates!
Iron Man, played by Robert Downey, Jr.
Black Widow, played by Scarlett Johansson
Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth
Nick Fury, played by Samuel L. Jackson
Hawkeye, played by Jeremy Renner
The Hulk, played by Mark Ruffalo
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