- The universe is just too MASSIVE for the human race to be the only sentient race and those who deny this are either extremely naiive or too religious (in-betweens included)
- We may not have substantial proof readily available to the public of extraterrestrials, but the word was invented for a reason- to slightly explain the unexplainable. You might believe the 'government invented it' or something, but that is my opinion.
- What about Kevin, Alan Godfrey, Herbert Schirmer, and countless others? They have stories! I also have stories of camping when I was younger and I know it happened because I was there!
- I think the idea of aliens is prettttty sweet.
- Except if they want to kill all of us.
I mean, seriously, how AWESOME would it be if there were tons of cantinas and bars in the world like that of Star Wars' Tatooine!?! Aliens and humans alike playing music, getting drunk, and lightsabering each others hands' off! IT'D BE RIDICULOUSLY RAD-TASTIC!
I bring this up because of the events in Zhejiang's provincial capital Hangzhou where a UFO was recently recorded swooping low in the airspace, enough for people to snatch some shots. Check it out here: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/viewvideo.php?id=A-h7DaJCqx4&tid=186045
I will agree with the author of The Buzz Log article, Mike Krumboltz, that "Truth be told, there's not much left to be said. Something weird happened. Nobody knows what it was. And if they do, they aren't saying. Check out the video (actually, a series of still photographs) below and judge for yourself."
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