Ladies and Gentlemen, Kevin Bacon (pictured above) has been cast in X-Men: First Class.
With the continuation of the the X-Men series, I'm really hoping for a non-bust here; the X-Men are far too cool to be embarrassed at the box office again. I mean, at least Cyclops won't die in this one--hopefully. If they're intelligent, Cyclops will live up to his awesome expectations and kick some ass; speaking of kicking ass, Kick Ass's Aaron Johnson is, as you'll see from the list down-under, reprising his tights as Cyclops! Aaron Johnson is tearing up the entertainment scene with busting out some awesome TV gigs and taking the lead in Nowhere Boy, a film based off the true story of John Lennon and his early travels. With all of this chit-chat of Aaron Johnson, I might as well give a head's up as to the rest of the cast, as shown currently on IMDb.com. Other satellite sites have so far been noting essentially the same things, so I'm going with the familiar source:
- Alice Eve- "Emma Frost"
- James McAvoy- "Professor X"
- Amber Heard- "Mystique"
- Michael Fassbender- "Erik Lensherr/Magneto"
- Aaron Johnson- "Scott Summers/Cyclops"
- Nicholas Hoult- "Dr. Henry 'Hank' McCoy/Beast"
- Caleb Landry Jones- "Sean Cassidy/Banshee"
But back to it, Kevin Bacon has been cast as TBD, but cast nonetheless. McAvoy, Fassbender, and Johnson aside, this is the deal breaker. I have no idea how this is going to go. The guy rocked Stir of Echoes, Mystic River, and yes- Balto. And yes, I think he is a good actor, but obviously, outside of Tremors (and yes, they are making another one!) is action roles haven't been the greatest, that I have seen. Hollow Man was a bust, but honestly, I blame my crush on Elizabeth Shue for taking all the attention from the movie.
So here's my deal to you, 20th Century Fox, I'll see the movie because, BECAUSE of the good casting so far. The premise of the movie, taking the X Men back to when they were X Teens, doesn't sell me too much, but as Shia Labeouf commented on the horrendous Indiana Jones output, "... the actor's job is to make it come alive and make it work", in an interview with Los Angeles Times.
Boom. Done deal.
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