Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Be safe, yeah?

So, I am not a man to be deep and with malaise often, but this last Saturday, I was involved in a car accident. In fact, I caused it because I rear ended another car, which in-turn rear ended another vehicle; we were on the freeway. I wasn't doing anything wrong, in terms of texting or talking while driving, rather, I had simply done a head check to get over a lane and before I knew it, traffic had essentially stopped ahead of me. Luckily, I wasn't going full-tilt boogie (60mph) since I had just merged onto the freeway, but I was going hard enough to not stop in time.

What I'm getting at, is that people should pay attention and be safe. I, for obvious reasons, have changed how I drive to some degree (no texting whatsoever, quicker headchecks, etc) and pay more attention to the road than even before (I yell at those drivers who decide that using turn signals is for losers). It's insane how one accident, albeit a small one relative to what it could have been, could change how I view the open road. It just takes one eye opener to really do it.

SO, in order to set it in more so, I looked to my good friend YouTube for a video that set it in stone that things could have been worse (I was pretty shaken up, mostly for the others I affected because of it) and wanted to instill that final "oomf" of 'DON'T DO THIS AGAIN' and found a video that did it for me. Check it out-->CRAZY European Safe Driving Commercials.

Granted, I think the music is overused in sad videos and what have you, it does the trick here.

Be safe out there.

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