Monday, July 19, 2010

Pressing News for XBOX Live account holders

AND for fans of Zack Snyder and his gorefest "300", there is something coming up that will change your Friday night- literally- it's THIS Friday, Friday July 23rd!!

Centurion, directed by Neil Marshall, goes like this (essentially because I don't feel like copy and pasting):

Beefed up and Ready to Rock Roman legion soldiers get ambushed on their way to wipe out some baddies (the Picts, led by ultra-baddie Gorlacon [yeah, i know right?!]). Nifty thing is, the ambushers ARE the Picts, led by ultra-baddie Gorlacon (aww yeahh!). So now, having a legendary army of 'undefeatable' soldiers get wiped out and a your commanding officer kidnapped by the baddies, whatcha gonna do? Well, since they didn't have cell-phones nor soup cans, there is no chance the Ghostbusters are going to help. Instead, the platoon has no choice but to take on the Picts and Gorlacon (his name is SO AWESOME!) while trying to reconnect with the rest of their army. Chaos, gore, and supreme awesome pursue the Centurions around every corner and every tree- and it's going to be sweet.

If my synopsis didn't do it for you, check out the real thing at couple of places, Yahoo!Movies,, or a slew of other movie sites (clicking on 'Centurion' up above takes you to the IMDb page).

'300' alum Michael Fassbender (the BA who, in the trailers, is soaring towards that monstrously tall Xerxes) serves as the ringleader of the Centurion and from the trailer-it's gonna be rad. Michael Fassbender has gotten a lot of good things coming his way, particularly if his role in the X-Men: First Class movie as Eric Lensherr (Magneto, ya'll!) goes as well as everyone hopes it does.

NOW onto the reason I'm pressing this forward frantically:
The movie comes out on August 27th in theatres, but BUT according to the Hulu Red Band Trailer, you can watch it on XBOX live, Playstation 3 (I believe), On Demand, Amazon, and Vudu. Since I have an XBOX 360 and Live, accordingly, I believe everyone might as well go out and get one and then watch it. If you don't want to spend the cash, look into the other methods, namely Amazon. To be honest, I haven't found any more information on the event outside the Hulu trailer, even on XBOX Live or Vudu (Vudu is a paying subscription service, which I believe, goes through your television). So I'll be checking my XBOX Live account this Friday, and I'll let people know how it goes!

Here are some trailers. Keep in mind, the Hulu Red Band requires a login, but it's OK because it's free!

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