Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Think on This Tueday: Teleport or Fly?

Sunday mornings are usually really slow at work, which is often nice because it allows my co-workers and me to come up with the "Question of the Day". It's ranged from do you believe in aliens? to What would you do with $100million Dollars? This last Sunday, however, brought about something more debatable and interesting:

Would you rather have the Power of Flight or The Power of Teleportation?

Eventually we broke it down results into two broad categories of people who answered- the analytical and the romantic.

I fell under the romantic people because I want the power of flight. Flat-out, I want to be able to see things that teleportation wouldn't be able to offer, like majestic mountains while flying around Asia or aid the Whale Wars people track down the 'evil Japanese whalers' *. Plus, just imagine flying around- it's freaking awesome. People could opt for wings or not, but ultimately, they could fly.

The analytical people chose teleportation because it's more efficient. Surprisingly, they discussed mostly the ways to stay lazy yet still be mondo effective because of the instantaneous travel. Hardly anyone mentioned the criminal side of teleportation-just ways to be lazy, yet accomplished.

Here are the guidelines:

  • Max out flight speed at 300mph
  • you can have wings or not- your choice
  • You can fly in any weather (it's like driving-it's all just your choice)
  • NO other super powers, just flight i.e. you are not invincible
the rules were based loosely off of Jumper because they made sense
  • You need to have been somewhere before you could teleport to that place.
  • You retain teleport capability through your life, but if you do it too much too quick, you wear-out
  • You COULD take objects/people with you
  • NO superpowers outside of teleportation
Alright- So what do YOU think? What would you choose and why?


Kami said...

I'm with you on this Michael. You and I are of the same cloth... we have wanderlust. We want to see and experience all the places we've never discovered (which granted is a lot). But to see places from the vantage point of in the air at something less than 30,000 feet? Yeah... that's something I could really embrace. Besides, I'd worry that teleportation would leave me in a new place with limbs in the wrong places, or that I'd wind up losing some of what's left of the gray matter.

Unknown said...

I want to fly as well and have given this a lot of thought, probably more than is sensible. I think you'd have to wear one of those old aviator hats with the goggles so you don't get 'fly hair' and bugs and shit in your eyes. You'd also have to plan for the weather before you fly. You don't want to be in shorts, approach snowy mountains and have to go all the way home to change. That'd suck.